Dogust Interview #4

Dogust Interview

Dog: Chaplin
Mom: Shiri

  1. What’s Chaplin’s backstory?  I tried to adopt a dog from several different agencies with no success. My attempts were mostly ignored, but in January of 2013 I got a response back from Little Monsters about a little spotted dog. I sent the photo to all of my family members and the reaction was pretty dismal. Most everyone thought he looked sick, or devilish (he has a red pigment to his skin which kind makes his eyes look satanic <3). As a photographer, I knew I couldn’t rely on the crappy cellphone photo and my boyfriend and I decided we would visit regardless because we were just too excited that we had the opportunity to get this dog! We just figured we would be those people with the not so cute dog…. buuut once we saw him, we melted. We took him home that night, and named him Chaplin because he was black and white and didn’t bark—although the last part didn’t last long!
  2. If your dog had an accent, what would it be? My bf thinks french, but I think he speaks in Old English (while wearing a top hot and manacle)
  3. Favorite toy? Basically anything that isn’t one of his toys.
  4. Craziest thing you’ve done for your dog?Besides dressing him in blazers and ties, I think that subscribing and paying for ‘Dog TV’ so that he can watch when we aren’t home was pretty crazy.
  5. Favorite human food? ICE !!!
  6. Nicknames? Chaps, Ol’ Chap, Sir Chaplin ‘mr.comfortable’ Aroshnett, Little Man, and  “Get Down”.

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